
A simple method of construction of pair of orthogonal latin squares of order p (= m t +1), where p be a prime integer, m be a prime integer or power of a prime integer, and t > 1 is an integer, respectively, is proposed. By using these pair of orthogonal latin squares, the four series of row-column designs for complete diallel crosses for p> 3 lines, are obtained. Our series 2 and 3 row-column designs are different from Gupta and Choi (1998) and Parsad et.al (2005) series 2 and 3 designs while series 1 and 4 designs are similar to their designs. Gupta and Choi (1998) and Parsad et.al (2005) constructed the four series of row-column designs for complete diallel crosses for p> 3 lines, by using nested balanced incomplete block designs. Our method is easy in comparison to Gupta and Choi (1998) and Parsad et.al (2005) methods, respectively.

Author: M. K. Sharma and Yabebal Ayalew

Received on: November, 2015

Accepted on: February, 2018