Submission Guidelines

The article may be submitted to the Aligarh Journal of Statistics online at articles should be typed in A4 size in double space with the margins at the top, side, and bottom of the pages. Formulae should be numbered consecutively section-wise with numbers in parenthesis appearing on the right-hand side, such as (3.2) for the expression number (2) in section 3. A summary should be given at the top. Reference to the authors in the text should be as Renyi (1953): Khatri et al. (1986), Rao (1962), etc., and should be listed alphabetically according to the APA referencing style pattern followed in this issue. The Journal’s name should be abbreviated as given in the Mathematical Reviews. There are no article processing or publishing charges. Aligarh Journal of Statistics is an online Open Access journal; online readers do not have to pay fees.

The article may also be submitted through an email to an attachment to a PDF version of the article upon initial submission. On being accepted for publication, the author(s) must submit the article again as per the Journal’s AJS template using the Latex Template.

The following are the mandatory requirements for article submission by the Aligarh Journal of Statistics.

  1. The similarity limit of Aligarh Journal of Statistics is 19% or less, acceptable only in standard notations and definitions. A single source does not exceed the similarity by 1%.

  2. References should be cited appropriately in the text, and a reference list should be prepared according to the Aligarh Journal of Statistics style.

  3. Submit the final article version as per the journal template.

  4. Declarations:

    The Article has been submitted with the consent of all authors. The article is the joint effort of all authors (in the case of multiple authors). This article has not been submitted anywhere else for publication.

  5. Funding:

    There is no funding for the research. If any, please mention it properly.

  6. Conflicts of interest/Competing interests:

    No conflict of interest exists for authors. If any, please mention it properly.

  7. Code availability:

    The registered version of the software does the mathematical experiment.

  8. Acknowledgement:

    Acknowledgements and details of non-financial support must be included at the end of the text before the references and not in the footnotes. Personal acknowledgments should precede those of institutions or agencies.

  9. Disclosure of any funding to the study:

    Any funding and conflict of interest should be disclosed. List funding sources in this standard way to facilitate compliance with the funder’s requirements.


This work was supported by the DST-Serb, etc., [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]. Including detailed descriptions of the program or type of grants and awards is unnecessary. When funding is from a block grant or other resources available to a university, college, or other research institution, submit the name of the institute or organization that provided the funding.

  1. If no funding has been provided for the research, please include the following sentence: This research received no specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

  2. Disclosure of any conflict of interest:

    Any funding and conflict of interest section should be disclosed.

  3. Figure and table legends:

    A list of legends must be included for each figure and table.

  4. Reference style:

    Use APA style of reference.

  5. Submission:

    Our online submission system guides you stepwise through entering your article details and uploading your files. At the initial stage, you may submit an article as a PDF in two versions with and without the author’s detailed version of the article. Your article files without authors’ details are in a single PDF file that will be used in the peer-review process. The LaTeX Editable files are required to typeset your article for final publication. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor’s decision and requests for revision, will be sent by email.

  6. Submit an article:

    Please submit the article through the online submission system

  7. Suggesting reviewers:

    Please submit several potential reviewers’ names and institutional email addresses. To ensure a balanced assessment and scientific rigour, avoiding suggesting reviewers who are colleagues or have collaborated with the author in the last three years is recommended. To ensure diversity, consider candidates from different countries/regions and their gender, race, ethnicity, and career stage. Additionally, existing members of the Journal’s editorial team should not be included.

  8. Submit a cover letter with a statement of percentage that the similarity of the final submitted article is less than 19%.

Article Preparation Guidelines

Research manuscripts should comprise the following:

  • Front matter:

    Title, Author list, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords

  • Research article sections:

    Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions.

  • Back matter:

    Supplementary Materials, Acknowledgments, Author Contributions, Conflicts of Interest, References.

  • Review manuscripts should include front, literature review sections, and back matter, with the template file also being used to prepare the front and back matter.

  • Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses first in the abstract, main text, and figure or table captions.

  • SI Units (International System of Units) should be used. Imperial, US customary, and other units should be converted to SI units whenever possible.

  • Equations:

    Equations should be editable by the editorial office and not appear in a picture format.

  • Research Data and Supplementary Materials:

    Note that the publication of your article implies that you must make all materials, data, and protocols associated with the publication available to readers. Please disclose any restrictions on the availability of materials or information at the submission stage.

Front Matter

These sections should appear in all article types.

  • Title:

    The article title should be concise, specific, and relevant, and when including decision-making model names, abbreviated names should be used instead of full names.

  • Author List and Affiliations:

    The text requires authors to provide their full names, initials, and affiliation information in the PubMed/MEDLINE standard format, including city, zip code, state/province, country, and email addresses. At least one author should be designated as the corresponding author.

  • Abstract:

    The abstract should be 200-250 words long and follow a structured format without headings. It should include a background, methods, results, and conclusion. The background should provide a broad context for the study, the methods should describe the main treatments, and the results should summarize the main findings. The conclusion should be objective and not exaggerate the main conclusions. The abstract should not contain unsubstantiated results.

  • Keywords:

    Add five relevant keywords to the abstract, ensuring they are specific to the article and relatively common within the subject discipline.

  • Add MathSciNet subject classification(s):

    AMS Subject Classification Codes (Primary and Secondary) are required. The list of codes can be found on the Web page:

Research Article Sections

  • Introduction:

    The introduction should provide a broad context, define the study’s purpose, significance, and hypotheses, review the current research state, and cite key publications. It should highlight controversial and diverging hypotheses and briefly mention the main aim and principal conclusions.

  • Materials and Methods:

    The text emphasizes the importance of detailed descriptions of methods and protocols, including the name, version, and availability of computer code, as well as any pre-registration codes, to facilitate replication and build on published results.

  • Results:

    The text outlines the experimental results’ description, interpretation, and conclusions.

  • Discussion: 

    The authors should discuss the results, their interpretation from previous studies, hypotheses, and implications in a broad context while highlighting limitations and future research directions, which can be combined with the Results section.

  • Conclusions:

    This section is for the final findings.

Preparing Figures, Schemes, and Tables

  • Files for figures and schemes must be submitted in a single high-resolution (minimum 1000 pixels width/height or a resolution of 300 dpi or higher) zip archive, and standard formats like TIFF, JPEG, EPS, and PDF are preferred.

  • The text requires all Figures, Schemes, and Tables to be numbered and inserted into the main text near their first citation.

  • All Figures, Schemes and Tables should have a short explanatory title and caption.

  • Table columns should have an explanatory heading, and larger tables should have smaller fonts, no less than 8 pt.

Supplementary Materials and Software Source Code

  • Data Availability:

    To ensure research integrity, transparency, and reproducibility, authors must make their experimental data publicly available through data repositories or publish them in the Journal.

  • Computer Code and Software:

    Authors should publicly release novel computer code or as supplementary information in their publication, clearly indicating the name and version of all software used.

  • Supplementary Material:

    Supplementary files can be uploaded during article submission and peer review, and standard, non-proprietary formats are recommended.

  • References in Supplementary Files:

    The text allows citations and references in supplementary files as long as they are included in the main text’s reference list.


Citation in text: 

The text and reference list should be identical, and any references in the abstract must be given in full. Unpublished results and personal communications may be mentioned in the text but should follow the Journal’s standard style and replace the publication date with ‘Unpublished results’ or ‘Personal communication’. Citing a reference as ‘in press’ implies publication acceptance.

  • Web references:

    The text emphasizes the importance of providing a minimum of the full URL and the date of last access to web references, along with any known information, and suggests that web references can be listed separately or included in the reference list.

  • Data references:

    The Journal encourages manuscripts to cite relevant datasets by including a data reference in the Reference List. The reference should include author name(s), dataset title, data repository, version, Year, and global persistent identifier. The [dataset] identifier will not appear in the published article.

  • Text:

    The text’s citations should adhere to the referencing style outlined by the American Psychological Association.

  • List:

    The text advises arranging references alphabetically and chronologically, identifying multiple references from the same author(s) in the same year using ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc., after the publication year.

  • Supplementary Materials:

    The text requires a description of any supplementary material published online alongside the manuscript, including figures and tables, with the name and title of each element provided.

  • Acknowledgments:

    The study should disclose all funding sources, including grants received for research and publication costs.

  • Author Contributions:

    Authorship must be limited to those who have contributed substantially to the article and approved the submitted version.

  • Conflicts of Interest:

    Authors must declare any personal circumstances or interests that may influence the representation or interpretation of reported research results. If there is no conflict of interest, please state, “The authors declare no conflict of interest.”

  • References:

    References should be numbered and listed individually at the end of the manuscript, including the digital object identifier (DOI) for all available sources.